130 Melville Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94960
Phone: (415) 454-0928 Fax: (415) 454-0928
P. O. Box 654
51-415 Maumaulu’ula’a Street Ka3a3wa,
Hawaii 96730
(808) 237-1044 (808) 237-1044
High School of Music and Art, 1954
B,.A., Cornell University, 1958
M.D. Chicago Medical School, 1962
Rotating Internship, San Francisco General Hospital, 1962– 1963
Psychiatric Residency, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, 1963–1966
Visiting Fellow in Psychological Medicine, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, 1965
Visiting Fellow in Community Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen, 1965
Fellow in Community Psychiatry, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, 1967
Post-graduate, Oxford, U.K., 2013
State of California, 1962
State of Hawaii, 1968
State of Georgia 1995
Mayor, Town of San Anselmo, 1975–1976
Town Councilman, San Anselmo Town Council (elected April 1972)
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (elected 1971)
Assistant Professor of Law (Adjunct), University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1970– 1988
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California Medical Center and Langley Porter Institute, 1968–1988
Medical Director, Partial Psychiatric Hospitalization Program, St. Luke’s Hospital, Daly City, CA, 1995
Faculty, California Graduate School of Marital and Family Therapy, San Rafael, CA,1980–1985
Supervising Psychiatrist, Inpatient Psychiatric Service, University of California Hospital, San Francisco, 1967–1968
Staff Psychiatrist, Center for Substance Abuse and Sexual Deviation, San Francisco,1966–1968
Treatment Director, Family Therapy Institute of Marin, San Rafael, CA, 1967–1979
Chief of Psychiatry, Laguna Honda Hospital, San Francisco, 1968-1980
Faculty, Medilegal Institute, 1980-1994
Faculty, Hastings Center for Trial & Appellate Advocacy, Litigation Advocacy Programs,
San Francisco, 1971–1974, 1986–1988
Development of lithium carbonate (auspices of FDA) 1966–1969 The hysterical personality, 1965–1966
Detoxification of alcoholics, 1964
Past Attending Staff Appointments:
University of California Hospital, San Francisco, CA
Children’s Hospital, San Francisco, CA
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
French Hospital, San Francisco, CA
Marin General Hospital, Greenbrae, CA
Ross General Hospital, Ross, CA
Mendocino State Hospital, Ukiah, CA
Editor-in-Chief: Family Therapy, 1972-2002
Associate Editor: American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 1982–1985
Columnist: “Family Crisis,” First Magazine, 1990-1991
CEB–Child Custody, 1986, 1984;
Mental and Emotional Damages, 1982 California Graduate School of Marital and Family Therapy, San Rafael,CA, 1977-1978
Napa State Hospital, Imola, CA 1967–1972
Mendocino State Hospital, Ukiah, CA 1967–1972
San Francisco Police Academy, 1967–1971
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA,1967–1970
Ukiah Police Department, Ukiah, CA, 1966–1967
Psychiatric Consultant to:
Laguna Honda Hospital, San Francisco, CA 1965–1968
Juvenile Court, Mendocino County, CA, 1966-1967
Public Defender, Mendocino County, 1966-1967
District Attorney, Mendocino County, CA 1966-1967
Ukiah Probation Department, 1966–1967
San Francisco Public Schools Unwed Mother’s Program, 1966-1967
San Francisco Public Schools, 1966–1967
Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco, 1968–1970
Selective Service (Medical Advisory) 1969–1973
United States Public Health Service Hospital, 1966–1974
Federal Aviation Administration, 1967–1968
California Department of Social Services, Disability Evaluations Division, 1987–1988
U.S. Postal Service, 1988–1990
Forensic Services, Waikato, Government of New Zealand, 1995; 1996
Board of Directors, Travelers’ Aid Society, San Francisco
International Society for Comprehensive Medicine
San Francisco Mental Health Association Board of Directors Society for the Advancement of Psychiatry Advisory Board
American College of Forensic Psychiatry
San Francisco Academy of Hypnosis
Board of Directors, Bay Area Air Pollution Control District, San Francisco, CA American College of Legal Medicine
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY & Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco, 1972
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” 2d, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY & Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco, 1982
“Lovers, Killers, Husbands and Wives,” St. Martin’s Press, 1985, New York
“Children of the Holocaust,” (monograph) Editor-in-Chief, Family Therapy, Libra Publications, San Diego, CA, 1988
“Choosing Lovers,” Glenbridge Publishing, Ltd., Macomb, IL, 1989; Avon Books, New York, NY 1991
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” 3d, Clark Boardman Callaghan, Rochester, NY, 1992
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” 4d, West Publications, Rochester, NY, 2003
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” 5d, West, Rochester, NY (in press) Tape Recorded
“Married Couple Therapy.” Sound Seminar Series, No. 75507, New York: McGraw- Hill, 1969 (audio)
“The Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression.” Sound Seminar Series, No. 75505, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969 (audio)
“Picking Juries.” Cassette for California Institute, Division of Forensic Studies, 1981 (Audio)
“Psychic Trauma.” Cassette for Califonia Institute, Division of Forensic Studies, 1981 (audio)
“Litigation of Psychological Injuries, Clinical Aspects,” Medilegal Seminars, 1983
“The Sugar Film,” produced by Image Associates, Santa Barbara, CA (documentary)
“Winning at Law, Psychology and the Courtroom,” Medilegal Seminars, 1985.
“Psychic Trauma, Post-traumatic Neuroses and Post-traumatic Stress Disorders,” VC-05 Medilegal Video Cassette Programs, 11985 (video)
“Profile for Murder,” docudrama/teleplay, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Annual Meeting, October 1993 (video)
Academic Articles and Book Chapters
“MFCT’: Multiple family conjoint therapy – simultaneous treatment of groups of families,” American Journal of Psychotherapy, Oct. 1965
“MFCT’: Simultaneous treatment of several families,” abstract, Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, Dec. 1965
“The differential diagnosis and treatment of depression, Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 1966
“Differential diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders,” abstract, Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, Jan. 1966
“The hysterical personality,” Psychiatry, Aug. 1966
“The pragmatic classification of depression,” American Journal of Psychiatry, Sept. 1966
“The hysterical personality,” abstract, Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, Oct. 1966
“Depressive disorders: differential diagnosis and treatment,” abstract, Psychiatry Digest, Feb. 1967
“The technique of married couple group therapy,” Archives of General Psychiatry, July, 1967
“Some observations on the use of lithium,” International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Feb. 1968
“Married couple group therapy,” in Current Psychiatric Therapies, Vol. 8 (Ed. Jules H. Masserman, M.D.), New York: Grune and Stratton, 1968
“The technique of married couple therapy,” in Handbook of Marriage Counseling, Ard (ed.), Science in Behavior Books, Inc., 1969
“Classification and treatment of depression,” in International Psychiatry Clinics, Vol. 6, No. 2, Little, Brown & Co., 1969
“Depression: the hidden injury,” Trial, Vol. 6, No. 4, Jun/Jul 1969
“The gentle art of malingering,” Trial, Vol. 6, No. 5, Aug. 1970
“The use of lithium carbonate,” in Current Psychiatric Therapies, Vol. 10 (Ed. Jules H. Masserman, M.D.), New York: Grune & Stratton, 1970
“Examination of an expert in a diminished capacity case,” in Criminal Law – Third Annual Criminal Law Seminar, 1971–1972, California Trial Lawyers Association, 1972
“The alcoholic driver: a proposal for treatment as an alternative to punishment,” (with Guy O. Kornblum), Insurance Law Journal, No. 590, Mar. 1972
“Mental competence in civil proceedings,” California Trial Lawyers Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, Apr. 1972
“Growth processes in married couples group therapy,” (with Martin Kirschenbaum), Family Therapy, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1972
“The alcoholic driver,” (with Guy O. Kornblum), Case and Comment, Vol. 77, No. 6, Nov/Dec. 1972
“Psychiatric aspects of traumatic injuries,” Lawyers Medical Journal, Vol. 12d, No. 4, Feb. 1973
“Psychotropic effects of the newer antibiotics,” read before the Bombay Medical Society Congress on Infectious Diseases, Jan. 1974, Bombay, India
“Understanding psychiatric testimony,” Judicature, Vol. 57, No. 7, Feb. 1973, “Reply to rebuttal,” to preceding, Vol. 58, No. 1, Jun. 1974
1974 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Complaints that men want only sex,” Questions and Answers, Human Sexuality, VIII:128, Mar. 1974
“Why it’s crazy for a psychiatrist to talk about insanity,” Catholic University Law Review, Vol 23, No. 4, Summer 1974
“The Watergate family: a family therapist listens to the Nixon tapes,” Family Therapy, Vol. 3, 1975
1975 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
Book review: “Law, Psychiatry and the Mental Health System,” by Alexander Brooks, published in Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Vol. 3, Winter 1975
“The psychology of malpractice suits,” Medical Opinion, Vol. 4, No. 20, Oct. 1975, p. 63
“At the core of depression – helplessness,” book review of “Helplessness: On Depression, Development and Death,” by Martin Seligman, W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1970. Review published in Modern Medicine, No. 1, 1975
“The technique of married couple group therapy,” (with Martin Kirschenbaum) in Handbook of Marriage Counseling, second edition, edited by Ard, Ben and Ard, Constance, Science & Behavior Books, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 1976
1976 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
1977 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“The defense of claims of psychic trauma and psychiatric disability,” Forum, American Bar Association Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law, Summer 1977
1978 Supplement “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Picking juries,” Trial Diplomacy Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1978
“Countering psychiatric support for the death penalty,” Voice for the Defense, Sep. 1978
“Defending against claims of psychic trauma, traumatic neuroses, and other psychiatric Disabilities,” Federation of Insurance Counsel Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 4, Summer 197
1979 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“The psychology of negotiations,” Lawyers Medical Journal, Mar 1979
“The abuse of psychiatric disability,” Medical Trial Technique Quarterly, Vol. 1, 1979, p. 84
1980 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
1981 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Doctors don’t have to burn out,” Panel with John Halenar, Medical Economics, Oct. 16, 1981, p. 148
“The psychiatric defense of criminal charges: some practical considerations,” Criminal Defense, July/Aug. 1981, Vol. 8, No. 4
“Coping with cross-examination in civil, criminal and personal injury trials,” American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Vol. II, No. 4, 1982
“Marital dissolution and child custody: a primer for family therapists and divorce attorneys,” Family Therapy, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1982
“Limiting claims for post-traumatic neurosis/psychogenic pain,” The Independent Adjuster, Spring 1982
“The defense of claims of psychic trauma and psychiatric disability,” Mental and Emotional Damages, California Continuing Education of the Bar, Berkeley, Mar/Apr 1982
“The psychodynamics of criminal behavior,” Criminal Defense Magazine, Vol. IX, 3, May/Jun 1982
“Trials for crimes of violence,” National Journal of Criminal Defense, Vol, 3, No. 1, Spring 1982
“The romantic relationship: why and how people fall in love, the way couples connect, and why they break apart,” Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 17, No. 5, May 1983 (also published in Family Therapy, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1983)
1983 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
1984 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Representing children in custody proceedings,” California Continuing Education of the Bar, Lecture Series, Feb. 22, 28 and Mar. 11, 1984, Berkeley, CA
Reviewer for American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980-1988
“Picking juries: social, psychological and behavioral factors to consider,” in The Trial
Master, Washaw, B., Ed., Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1984, P. 83
Book review: “Forensic Psychology – A Primer for Legal and Mental Health Professionals,” by Green, R.K. and Schaefer, A.B. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1984, published in Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Fall 1984
“Domestic homicides,” Family Therapy, Vol. X, No. 3, 1984, p. 185
“Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” reviewed 1984 American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Vol. V, No. 4, p, 188. Also reviewed in The Journal of Psychiatry and Law,Fall/Winter 1985
“Counseling the sexually functional but dissatisfied patient,” Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. XIIV, No. 10, Oct 84, p. 154
“Domestic homicides, Part II,” Family Therapy, Vol. XII, No. 1, 1985
Forward to “Recovering for Psychological Injuries,” by William A. Barton, 1985
“Exposing Lee Coleman,” American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Vol. VI, No. 4, 1985, p. 48
“When loved ones become killers,” Cosmopolitan, Jul 1985, p. 208
“Can you really predict what a juror will think?” Interview by Greg James, Medical
Economics, Sep. 23, 1985, p. 136
1985 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative
Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
Book review: “The Psychology of the Courtroom,” by Kerr, Norbert L. and Bray, Robert
M., New York Press, 1982, in Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Fall/Winter 1986
“Comments on defense cases on tobacco use,” American Medical News, Feb. 6, 1986, p. 6
“The fallibility of the eyewitness,” The Champion, Apr 1986
“Psychiatric analysis in personal injury cases,” Trial, May 1986
“Exposing the fallibility of the eyewitness,” California Defender, Vol. II, No. 1, 1987
1987 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
1988 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Why love isn’t built to last,” Cosmopolitan, Jun 1988
Book review: “Forensic Psychology,” by Robert Sadoff, M.D., Trial, Oct 1988
1989 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“The shape of romantic relationships,” New Realities, Sep–Oct 1988
“Prosecution jurors,” California District Attorneys Assn., 1989
“Civil wars,” Body, Mind and Spirit, Nov–Dec 1990
“How to evaluate personal injury claims in California,” Jones, W.R., Roeca, R.S., Johnson, R., Blinder, M., Professional Education Systems, Eau Claire, WI, 1990
Book review: “Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception,” Rogers, R., Ed., Bulletin of American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Vol. 3, 1990
“Family dynamics and recovery for psychological damages in wrongful
“Family therapists as expert witness: family dynamics and wrongful death litigation,
Family Therapy, Vol. XVII, Nov 1990
1990 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative
Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Family Crisis,” monthly column for First Magazine, 1990-1991
“Patterns of Intimacy,” New Realities, Sep/Oct 1990
“Most relationships end because they are successful,” and “Ten steps to real romance, Your Personal Best, Vol. 3, No. 2, Feb. 1991
1991 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
1992 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, NY, and Bancroft Whitney Corp., San Francisco
“Heal Thyself,” Pacific Sun, Jan 22, 1993
1993 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman
Callahan, Rochester, NY
“Battling Cholesterol: A Doctor’s Experience,” Health Magazine, Sep 1993
“Psychiatric Issues in Administrative Hearings,” Office of Administrative Hearings Annual Conference, Dec 1993
“Lawyers and Sex: Ethical Considerations of Sexual Clients, Counsel and Court Personnel,” Bar Association of San Francisco, Jan 1994
1994 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY
“Psychiatric Aspects of Traumatic Brain Injury,” National College of Advocacy, Apr 1994
1995 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY
1996 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY
1997 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY
“Profile of a Workplace Killer,” Wall Street Journal, Feb. 10, 1997
“The Workplace Avenger,” Across the Board, Sep. 1997
“Types of Workplace Violence,” USA Today, Jan. 7, 1998
“When Does Influence Become Undue,” California Trust and Estates Quarterly, 4:Two, Summer 1998
1998 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY.
1999 Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” Clark Boardman Callahan, Rochester, NY
“Pitfalls in the collaboration of attorneys and expert witnesses, “ Hawaiian Bar Journal, Volume XIII, No. 13, 2009, p. 173
“Crime, punishment and the American criminal justice system,” Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Volume XL111, No. 1, 2015, p. 2
2000–2016 Annual Supplement, “Psychiatry In the Everyday Practice of Law,” West Publications, Rochester, NY
Frontline (PBS) “Little Criminals,” May 13, 1997 CNN Network News
NBC Network News
CBS Network News
ABC Network News
Oprah Winfrey
Hour Magazine (Gary Collins) – Group W Nightline (Ted Koppel) – ABC
Larry King
This Morning (Kathleen Sullivan) – CBS Evening Magazine – Group W
Sonya Live – CNN
Sally Jesse Raphael
Currently, too numerous to make listing practicable, they include grand rounds at the University of California, University of Hawaii, and Pacific Medical Center; presentations to the American Psychiatric Assn., California Medical Assn., American Bar Assn., (various sections) American Trial Lawyers Assn., Continuing Education of the Bar, American College of Forensic Psychiatry, California District Attorneys Assn., California Public Defenders Assn., Commonwealth Club, to numerous hospitals and to many other state and local psychiatric and attorneys groups.